Tuesday 22 March 2011

The horror, of parents evening....


Ok, so it's that evening that many a parent fears...parents evening. Ok, maybe I'm being a tad melodramatic but it's not the most comfortable of situations. Our last one involved the head teacher and our son's y6 form teacher too. Our 10 year old had to present to us a powerpoint presentation about his work and we have to sit there looking impressed while we are really sitting there getting  really embarrassed and trying to not let my grumbling  tummy noises disrupt the merriment. We want to complain that he doesn't do his homework well enough, doesn't write neatly enough, doesn't get enough homework, doesn't focus enough but no, we sit there and gush and say how positive we feel about it all. Reminds me of story about two parents about to go into a parent consultation with the head,
Mum-'Well, what do we ask ?'
Dad- 'We just ask if they feel our son is coping well with academia'
Mum-' I think he copes better with cashews'' Enuf said......

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It's better to know some of the questions than all of the answers..