Monday, 13 October 2014

Other Dishes

Limango Cake
My tasty invention of a delicious, moist cake based on the classic lemon drizzle cake but using hot mango with a zingy lime finish to it. (My other half loves it..)

6oz  (175g) self raising flour
6oz  (175g) stork margarine
6oz  (175g) caster sugar
2 free range eggs
3-4 tablespoons milk
Grated zest of two juicy limes plus the juice of a half of one lime
2 large ripe mangoes
1½oz icing sugar

Preheat oven to gas mark 5 which is 190oC electric oven.

1.        Grease and line a 10 inch sponge clip tin with a loose bottom. (that’s the tin, not you )
2.      Beat together the margarine and caster sugar with an electric whisker till it looks a bit like the middle of a milky way bar.
3.      In a smaller bowl, beat the eggs and milk together and then add this slowly to the mixture.
4.      Sieve the flour and add the grated lime zest to it and then carefully fold this into your mixture.
5.      Slice the mangoes into as many thickish slices as you can discarding the skin.
6.      Place all these slices into the base of the tin covering as much of the base as possible.
7.      Pour all of the mixture over this and bake in the oven for 55-60 minutes or until the cake is nicely browned.
8.      When cooked, unclip the sides of the tin and release it. Turn the cake upside down on to a plate and carefully peel away the tin bottom and all the paper.
9.      It should be hot, steamy and bursting with juice by now, (definitely talking about the mango now)
10.  Finish off by mixing the icing sugar with the lime juice until smooth and runny. Drizzle this over the top while it’s warm and it gives a beautiful glaze with a limey tang.
11.  This is about it, you can garnish it with a little cut lime if you like. Most recipes say leave to cool but I like eating this warm perhaps with some vanilla ice cream or on its own. 

Hearty Pesto and Chunky Chicken Broth

1 tablespoon olive oil
2 skin on chicken breasts
2 red onions, coarsely chopped
3 level tablespoons plain flour
2 pints chicken stock
Large tablespoon tomato puree
4oz mini pasta (farfalline)
4oz broccoli(cut into small trees)
2oz fine green beans(cut in half)
1 large carrot (diced)
4 teaspoons red pesto (chilli variety if you’re feeling spicy and maybe a little saucy)
Salt and Pepper
1.Heat up your oil in a large pan and fry off your chicken breasts for about 5 minutes until golden.
2.Toss in your chopped onions that aren’t too finely chopped because they will burn otherwise. Fry all of this off for another 5 minutes until you start to smell that caramelised oniony whiff that we all love!
3.Sprinkle over your flour so all the juices absorb into it and keep stirring.(add a small bit of liquid in case it goes too thick)
4.Beforehand,in a jug, combine the stock and tomato puree and season it and then pour all of this into your pan. Listen to the sizzle......(if it doesn’t sizzle just turn up the heat and go SSSSZZZZZ yourself....) Bring all of this to a rollicking boil, stirring lots and then turn down the heat, put a lid on it (the pan not you) and simmer for about 10 to 15 minutes.
5.The chicken should be cooked enough by now, so remove it and place aside for a minute. Turn up the heat and get the boiling going again and then throw into the pan your mini pasta shapes and cook them off.(mini pasta only takes about 5 mins to cook) lower the heat once it gets going.
6 While this happens, cut up the chicken breasts into chunky bits, I don’t eat the skin but you can leave it if you like it.

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